Art Meets Science: 2022 Data Science Research Bazaar Artist Application
The 2022 Data Science Research Bazaar is a virtual event happening throughout February, where researchers and data scientists from various disciplines and industries will have opportunities to share their work, collaborate, and discuss their data science interests. Art has an important role to play in helping the public make sense of complex data in new and exciting ways. Able to see the patterns in the data, artists and data scientists alike, translate information into visual and aesthetic forms that increase awareness and make complicated issues easier to understand. The planning committee for the Data Science Research Bazaar seeks submissions for artwork influenced by data science or created by data scientists for display. We welcome submissions from both campus members and the public, and encourage submitters to think broadly on the intersections between data science and art. The artwork will be featured in Hub Central throughout February 2022, artists will have the opportunity to network with Research Bazaar attendees during the Poster Session early on Feb. 2nd. Once selected we will follow-up on getting your work displayed.

This year's Research Bazaar has the focus of "Data and Communities : Sharing and Protecting Data". We are interested in featuring artistic renderings and perspectives of advances in data science, and the ways in which data and communities interact around sharing and protecting data.

Examples of art submissions include (but are not limited to)
- virtual art or high-quality images of artworks (images of physical art pieces, or digital files of artworks)
- videos of performances and a talk about the work or piece

Artists who work in any medium are encouraged to apply, and we will accept submissions until January 3rd, 2022. We will send out acceptance notices no later than January 7, 2022. We look forward to incorporating art into the 2022 Data Science Research Bazaar!

If you have any questions, please contact the Data Science Hub Facilitators:

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